domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

The Whales

Good afternoon, we talk about a very important issue, where we need your care and support to our cause.
The whales are biologically special animals, are located in the North Atlantic, North Pacific and South Pacific. They were abundant in most of the ocean until the early twentieth century. For over forty years get case nearly to extinction, what forced to their protection by the international community in one thousand nine hundred ninety six. 
They feed on krill and can eat up to 40 million krill in one day.
Females usually give birth once every 2 or 3 years.
For the great development of the whaling industry today are almost extinct.
You have to save become are living beings who feel and suffer.
The extinction of whales could affect the ecosystem, affecting fishing by increased krill.
Among the threats that exist for them are:
Climate change, pollution, overfishing, the weakening of the ozone layer, noise and shock with boats. Now you know, whales are very important and we should not just be selfish and consider other living things.
If you know want more you can visit or send you mail to the address

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Practica 12

El presente material incluido en este blog es nuestro trabajo de informática para la elaboración de un tríptico.

  • Jiménez Urtecho Dalia
  • Morquecho Torres Citlalli
Favor de entrar aquí.. n. n

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011

My Habits on the weekend

How often?
Habits on the weekend
Habits before school
Habits often school
Always 100%
See anime/ take shawer/ read books and mangas
Take shower/ drink water/ brush my teeth
Eat dinner/ take shawer/ brush my teeth
Usually 90%
Listen to music/ drink soda/ singing/
I put on my uniform/ study/ read
Do my homework/ read books/ sleep late
Often 80%
Play the piano/ play the guitar/ play video games
Play the piano/ play the guitar
Surf the internet/ studies before a test
Sometimes 50%
Watch T.V./ watch movie/ go the beach
Listen to music/ watch T.V
Talk with telephone/ talk with my father
Alwost Never 15%
Out with friends
Sleep early/ talk with my family
Watch T.V/ cook lunch/ wash my clothes
Never 0%
Go to the parties
Go to the park/ go to the mal/ go to the friends

Good study habits

The good student:

  • Always studies before a test.
  • Always pay attention to the teacher.
  • Always listens to teacher.
  • Always it takes your material.
  • Always takes part in the class
  • Never misses class.
Try this test

  1. How often do you eat cakes and cookies?
  2. How often do you go to the gym?
  3. How often do you drink smoothies?
  4. How often do you go to the walk?
  5. How often do you eat in a week?
  6. How often do you play deports?

My Healthy Style

I have a regular diet.
I always wake up at 5 o`clock. I always eat fruits and vegetables. I almost never eat junk food a week. I usually go to the walk and I never drink smoothies. I like to walk but master Kung-fu. I love feeding myself healthily.


What is it? 

 Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus infection or intoxication.

      Symptoms of hepatitis A:
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea 
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach Pain
  • Diarrhea

The best prevention is personal and vaccinations.   
                              Diagnostics :
  • Blood test
  • In the Biopsy

These test not only explain if you have hepatitis, but also determine what type, A,B or C and the severity of the disease.

To prevent hepatitis, I offer you some recommendations:

  • Use a preservative everytime you have sexual intercourse.
  • Wear gloves if you have to touch another person's blood.
  • Do not use a toothbrush or razor, or ab object that might have traces of blood.
  • Make sure instruments are clean, if getting a tatto or piercing in any body part.
  • Do not touch  the excrement of an infected person, and then eat or drink with dirty hands.

For most people who have hepatitis a recover on their own after a few weeks. However, it is very important to follow some indications:

  • Take bed rest for several days.
  • Follows a diet rich in protein.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not drinks alcoholic.
  • Takes the medications indicated.
  • Avoiding certain types of drugs such as painkillers and tranquilizers.

Equipo :
  • Celmo Martinez Rebecca.
  • Galicia Castillo Dulce Carolina
  • Santos Ranferi Alexis.
1°M.  ♫♥

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Practica #4

Esta es mi super imagen (arruinada el día de hoy porque la recorte D:) hecha en clases de informatica en la escuela.. me creo por lo fachón que es.. (xDD) admirenla.. .__.
PD: Cordiales saludos al mundo..
Da click aquí n. n♥